Southeast Texas Real Estate News

Dove Season

Hello HomeLand Fans,
We want to first welcome you to our brand new blog! This very first post is written by one of our own – Walker Powell. He has been with HomeLand Properties for just over a year. He is an avid hunter and has some great tips for the upcoming dove season. Welcome and enjoy!
Dove season 2019 starts September 1 and here are some tips to get you prepared and ready!
  • First and foremost, make sure you’ve got your hunting license renewed and up to date! The last thing you want is getting smacked by fines from Texas Parks and Wildlife.  Also know your bag limit!
  • Put your plug in your gun! 3 total shells, once again… play by the rules and you’ll have nothing to worry about.
  • Scout your property!  If you haven’t already done this, camo up and go find the most natural flyways.  See where the most traffic is and at what time they are most active in your area!
  • Make sure you’ve got the right choke on your barrel and you’re shooting the right load ammunition.  I recommend an open choke (improved cylinders).  Keep your shot size at or below No. 7 1/2.
  • Get your decoys, I recommend the Mojo decoys at Academy that are battery powered.  Get at least 3 to 4 – dove naturally fly together. It will look less suspicious to any lonesome dove flying by.  Pick up some 9 volt batteries on the way home.
  • Set an early alarm. The last thing you want to do is to wake up late, be rushed, and forget something.  Get everything ready the night before… gun cleaned, shells, decoys, camo clothes, glasses, stool, etc.
  • Get set up 20-30 minutes before sunrise, be as quiet as possible because the birds are in the area! If you’re hunting a field with partners, cover each others’ 6!  When it becomes shooting light the entire sky should have eyes on it and declared a NO FLY ZONE! 
  • FOCUS! Gun control is everything!  Everyone says lead the bird, you have to lead the bird.  Well, what does that mean? How far should you lead? It can be confusing.  Here is my personal rule of thumb, no matter the direction the dove is flying. *****When you see the bird flying in and are getting ready to shoot, start your lead from BEHIND the bird.  Swing your barrel in the direction the bird is flying, both eyes open, and when you see daylight between the barrel and the bird, fire away! Your barrel should be traveling faster than the bird and continue your follow through as you shoot.  Use your discretion on leading the bird at distances further and closer than normal.

Good luck everybody…

Thanks for reading and happy hunting!

Walker Texas Realtor