John Heath

1600 Normal Park Dr Huntsville, TX 77340

Licensed in TX

(936) 215-3517

John Heath

Broker/Texas Accredited Forester

John earned his broker license in Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana in the mid 2000’s and has 21 years of real estate experience and 25 years as a professional forester of which, 22 years as a consulting forester.  Specialized in land management, timber inventory, and timber management for private landowners, TIMO’S, AND REIT’s both as a real estate broker and forester. 

John has worked on many large dispositions and has strong analytical skills on timberland properties in the Texas region. John has great personal skills and loves to represent buyers.  Graduated from Stephen F. Austin State University and Eastern Kentucky University.

IABS (Information About Brokerage Services)

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